Wednesday 21 November 2012


This week's homework is to carry out audience research which will help you create a magazine that appeals to your target audience.

You can :

circulate questionnaires,
conduct interviews,
gather together several members of your target audience at once and conduct a focus group.

If you are being thorough and aiming for top marks, you should use more than more method of data collection. Make sure you only gather data from relevant people - i.e. people who fit your magazine's target audience!

You will need this for NEXT MONDAY'S LESSON, when we will write up a summary of your findings before continuing with planning. Please feel free to begin work on pie charts/graphs once you have collected your data.

Thursday 15 November 2012



Due in Monday,19th December
Research different lifestyle magazines.
What subjects do they cover?
What titles are out there?
Who buys them?
How much do they cost?
Gather information about lifestyle magazines in general, and use this to help you pick a specific type you think you would like to focus on.
What are the biggest-selling examples of this type of magazine already available?
What do they cover?
Who buys them?
How much do they cost?
How many pages do they have?
Do they ever give away freebies? What sort?
What do you notice about the colour schemes?
Who do they feature on the cover?
How do these magazines ensure they appeal to their target audience?
REMEMBER: you are expected to conduct detailed research and show a high degree of independence in this project. There is no such thing as too much work!
In the next lesson, we will focus on close analysis of particular magazine genres. Please bring in any examples you have at home. I cannot guarantee to provide examples of every niche subject!